Posted in College, Uncategorized, Writing

Back Again

Hey y’all! ACG is back for another week of busy hectic insanity. I don’t know when things will slow down, but we’ve had a lot happen this week. One of the good things being that AJA finished the story project she was working on!!! I’m happy for her and excited to hopefully follow her example relatively soon (maybe).

So, until next time keep your macaroons fuzzy and your jackets well baked! ❤ 😉 😛 🙂 😀 O.o

Posted in Double Crowns, Fall, Life and Likes, update, Writing

Writing Break

Hey, y’all!

It’s just me tonight, because AJA and I were able to catch enough of a break from school to get some writing done, but we’re both still tired from all the learning, homework, and whatnot.

Hopefully we’ll be able to catch up soon, but until then keep your succulents blooming and your kangaroos kicking! ❤ 😉 😀 🙂 😛 O.o

Posted in ACG is Weirdo Who Demands Some Things Get Categorized While Claiming to Dislike Labeling, Challenge, Double Crowns, Life and Likes, Summer, Writing

Stories in Six Words

Hi! 😀 Hey, y’all!

As July comes to a close does a personal endeavor of mine that ACG has both borne witness too as well as mimicked without the same pressure: Camp Nano. Google it. This post is not about that, but in short: I set a word goal. I achieved a word goal. (Achieved and completely surpassed by, like, 10,000 words or something like that. (Actually, I  surpassed it by over 15K but who’s counting? 😉 ) It’s been AMAZING to see!) ACG also has written many, many words. And, that is basically the full summary of our July. Uh huh, coffee and creative writing! 😉

So, in honor of that–taking an idea from the poetry side of Instagram–we are going to summarize each other’s projects from this July in only six word phrases. 


This is a very inadequate description of AJA’s collection of words, but here goes nothing. The stories themselves are much, much better than any six word phrase.

Books, leggings, dinosaurs, and unseen metaphors.
Never take anything at face value.
Caring hurts, until it pays off.
Love doesn’t happen in straight lines.
Find peace in yourself; they’ll follow.

Here are my phrases for ACG’s project, which is way cooler and more full of feels than I could convey in six words. 

Who let men run the world?
Being a girl sucks— Oh well.
Boys are mean; kiss them anyway.
Lone feminist faces a love triangle.
Futuristic 1920’s: Daisy Buchanan was right


July has been epic. I think we’ve spent more time writing than sleeping, which is kind of scary, but you know. It’s also AWESOME! Lol… Seriously, it’s been really, really fun. I can’t imagine having it any other way or spending the month with anyone else. Aww. 😉 ❤ 

Write safely. 😉 (Words can be dangerous!!! Oh, and I guess also drive safely. <3)
Keep your words tied and your shoes flowing. ❤ ;P 🙂 😀 😉 O.o

Posted in ACG is Weirdo Who Demands Some Things Get Categorized While Claiming to Dislike Labeling, College, Double Crowns, Life and Likes, Writing

Changing Breaks

Hi! Hey, y’all!

So, recently, we’ve realized that in life it’s really easy to lose track of things that were once priorities, even things that you care about and that provide you with a lot of joy. For us, one of those things has been writing. Absolutely, and there have been a lot of reasons for why we lost track of it and it fell through the cracks. I looked at my latest document the other day and saw that it had been a month since I even edited the document and it was so surreal, and I had no idea how it happened. I know I’ve started several projects and they slowly drifted away from me as I had school work or various other things happen in my life that took over. I also know that we’re both tired of this feeling.

Fortunately, we can change that, like you should do with anything in life that’s making you unhappy if there’s a way to change it! So, that’s exactly what we’re going to do! With spring break coming up we even have the perfect, school free opportunity to do it, too! There are so many other reasons that spring break will be a really good thing for us, but specifically the chance to just write–and maybe even get together and write–is topping the list of benefits since AJA mentioned that as a real possibility. It’s exciting. ❤ Life is good; change can be good, and I’m thrilled to have spring break to sort some things out and accomplish some progress on fun, personal projects like writing. Oh, and spend time with ACG. (Unfortunately, we won’t get to spend this week with K but we did have a blast doing that this week when our schedules allowed. And, thankfully, ACG and my spring breaks are the same week.)

I mean, spending time together will ultimately be the best part, but the other things fall into place with that. I’m also really glad that our spring breaks didn’t just span three different weeks; that would have been the worst. Only majorly. This is definitely a change that has potential to be AMAZING. 🙂 Agreed.

Keep your breaks safe and your passions fueled! ❤ 🙂 ;P 😉 😀 O.o
So, drive safely (and write often or whatever it is you love to do)! ❤

Posted in ACG is Weirdo Who Demands Some Things Get Categorized While Claiming to Dislike Labeling, Baking, Bucket List, College, Life and Likes, The Future, Travel, winter, Writing

We Survived! Now, Our Break Agenda…

Good evening, all, and to all: a HAPPY SEMESTER BREAK! Hey, y’all! We’re back!!! Finals and such a crazy schedule are behind us. We hope you all survived to see this post as well.

However, what all this really means is it’s time for another ~break agenda~! 😀 This break is even more involved and including more friends and people than ever. I can’t wait.


  1. We’ve already started this one technically but it’s a HUGE goal for me: finish all the Harry Potter movies! O.O
  2. We’re going to both try and finish the stories that we’re working on before we start our next semester.
  3. SLEEP. No, seriously. Get back into some healthy habits: getting 7 hours or so of sleep, being more active, etc.
  4. There’s a day trip planned with a couple of our really close friends to go to a science activity center and an art museum! 😀
  5. Survive the holidays 😉 as per usual. ❤
  6. Making a gingerbread house from scratch! We just want to be able to say we’ve done it. Who knows, it might could be our Christmas post this year. 😉 (maybe O.O)
  7. Lastly, a star gazing party for us and some of our friends since ACG and I both will have had an astronomy class now. 😉 Although, mine was a bit more useful than hers. 😉


Whatever you decide to do this holiday season, just drive safely. ❤

Keep your trees bright and your wands raised! 😀 😉 😛 ❤ 🙂 O.o

Posted in Fall, Life and Likes, update, Writing

Vague Characters – September 9, 2017

Hello! Hey, y’all! Welcome to a(nother) post where we literally have no idea what to talk about. 😉 Sometimes life just isn’t that interesting or sometimes it’s so filled with serious things we struggle to know what to talk about on here where we try to keep things lighthearted. However, we always to wish to grace you with our presence. 😉 ❤ Of course, and normally we can at least come up with a list of some sort, but neither of us have a list idea tonight. That’s not to say that we don’t have ideas.


Alas, these ideas are simply not the kind to be contained to our public, but rather those we turn into epics of love and woe. Or…something like that. That sounds dramatic and pretty spot on. 😉 What she is talking about are our current story projects. It’s been a while since we talked about them, so we figured we’d bring them back up this week. Vaguely, of course. If we told you our secrets we’d have to kill you. 😉 I’m really just kidding; we don’t kill people. Only characters. 😉


Until next week, drive safely and use your pens and powers of creativity with the care and wisdom they deserve.

Keep your characters in the pages and your words on your hearts. ❤ 😉 O.o ;P 🙂 😀

PS – I blame ACG for this one, no offense. 

Posted in ACG is Weirdo Who Demands Some Things Get Categorized While Claiming to Dislike Labeling, Baking, Bucket List, Life and Likes, Rules by Annazzz, winter, Writing

Check the Wondertasks – January 7, 2017

Hey, y’all! Hello! (First thing first, I’d like to congratulate you for making it a full week into the new year. Amen. I hope it’s going well for you. Now…)


At the beginning of winter, we made a list of things that we planned to accomplish before winter (or at least our winter semester break) ended. We have the list, and were going to analyze which ones we did or didn’t complete. (Spoiler alert: things got done.)


Below is our original list of things we intended to do. To the right of each item, in all caps we will inform you of which things were done.

  1. Decorate a tiny Christmas tree that may or may not be alive. (DONE – and if you haven’t seen it, check out our December 24, 2016 post 😉 )
  2. Bake all the things! (seasonal and unseasonal) (DONE, though we don’t quite have cookies out our ears, we discovered cookie butter AKA MAGIC IN A JAR)
  3. Meet up with old friends, and eat lunch, and get all the coffees!!! (DONE – we even did this three times over #) )
  4. Make a million and two words. (Okay, not quite literally, but either or both of us writing large chunks on our current writing projects over our winter break is definitely a goal!) (DONE, I wish it wasn’t too much work to add up the actual amount because it was a lot (a grand total of: 51,265 to be specific))
  5. Ice skating with my younger brother who will probably make us look like baby giraffes because he is naturally that balanced and coordinated sometimes. (DONE – this was a TON of fun, even if ACG had to be a responsible driver and not break her ankle and I may or may not have accidentally danced circles with said little brother. (Good news: no injuries occurred.))
  6. See the anthropomorphic movie Sing at some point between now and January 8. Yesssss!!! (sorry to cut into her point but YES (It’s actually ACG’s idea, but I’m on board… We saw Moana this past Thursday, so it’s her turn) (DONE, The movie was actually more sad than it looked in previews, but it was great along with Moana)
  7. Wear flip flops as many days of December as possible, because why not? (DONE – Ha! ACG did wear flip flops. Granted, this is the first weekend it’s been below freezing here, I think @) Sighs @ Alabama. )
  8. Wear sweaters as many days of southern December as possible, because why don’t we have normal seasons? (DONE, Even I wore a sweater at least two times, so I consider this a huge success)
  9. Spend as many days as possible with your Best Friend before the c-word rears itself again. (DONE – even if it was not as much time as I wish we could have, the time we got to spend together was amazing and I feel so, so lucky. Same, it was wonderful.)

If you were keeping track, there should be one teeny tiny detail that is standing out to you. WE DID ALL THE THINGS! We did, and I am a little proud of that fact.


There you have it. Until next time, keep your lists on the inside of the bucket and your chicken fingers in the cage. 😉 😀 🙂 😛 O.o ❤ 😉 😀


It’s bitter out there (and also cold! ha…haha) so don’t forget to drive safely during the potential icy season and be kind! ❤

Posted in ACG is Weirdo Who Demands Some Things Get Categorized While Claiming to Dislike Labeling, Books, Double Crowns, Fiction Land, Life and Likes, Rules by Annazzz, Writing

Blurbs, Summaries, and Words

HAPPY WEEKEND! It’s always weekend when we post, but this has been a good weekend. Hey, y’all! I want to quote the Brantley Gilbert song “The Weekend,” but I cannot remember a relevant line. I want to make a joke about the musical artist The Weekend now (now that ACG has brought up music), and why Snapchat is insistent on telling me he’s dating Selena Gomez!!! Buuuuut that’s not what this post is about.


Nope. It’s been a while since we talked about our stories and personal projects. Therefore, tonight we want to share what we’re working on currently. Instead of us summarizing our own projects, we thought we’d summarize each other’s with no rebuttal from that person, no chance to really explain 😉. I’m nervous about this, but let’s do it!


AJA likes to write contemporary, and she actually finishes those stories. I don’t understand, but she does. From YouTubers to photographers, she’s done multiple things. Right now, though, she’s writing about real people with serious problems. Her main characters all have mental illnesses, and they are really struggling. It isn’t like some stories that make it seem pretty or cool or fun; it is raw and painful to read at times because of how it shows the characters hurting. These girls (and guy) don’t want to be defined by what they are dealing with and each have a method to try and do that. Different ages, personalities, and interests, all of them are trying to do the best they can with the cards they’ve been dealt, and her story is about 2/3s through and showing that well. I’m so glad to be allowed to witness this sister queen’s writing (and all the other writings she’s shared in the past)!!!


How to describe ACG’s current project? Hmm… I do not recall if we have ever described it on this blog before or not. This project is the final “book” (manuscript) in a trilogy. Therefore, I’m leaving out a lot of background information. That being said… Basically a chick’s dead not-brother husband comes back to life after she’s gotten involved with a new dude and given birth to the not-brother, no-longer-dead ex-ish husband’s child. The chick is also a political figure for their “country.” It’s fantasy, so the terms that would be used don’t make sense in real life, so “country.” So was her not-brother husband…since he was kind of her brother and kind of her husband. That being said, everyone has accepted his death and moved on…sorta, so the new guy and the chick are planning to get married.Then not-brother husband comes back and derails those plans. The chick is kind of afraid of not-brother husband with good reason. He pitches a couple fits. He’s very aggressive and needs to be punched very hard. She tries hide her relationship with the new guy, and her child is very uncomfortable around his biological dad because he doesn’t know him and considers the new guy his dad. Basically the overall plot is: how do we react to dead not-brother husband’s return and get married and interact and blah blah blah. It’s all very awkward and dramatic. But really well written and I’m in love with the new guy. It’s great, and I am proud of ACG for writing this much/almost being done with three consecutive, full manuscripts.


I hope you got a sense of what we spend most of our free time doing (or pretending to do). 😉


Keep your stories on sealions and your fish on shelves!!! 🙂 ❤ 😀 😉 😛

Drive safely ❤

Posted in ACG is Weirdo Who Demands Some Things Get Categorized While Claiming to Dislike Labeling, Baking, Bucket List, Double Crowns, Rules by Annazzz, The Future, winter, Writing

Previously UnAired Post: “Winter Wondertasks”

Hey, y’all! Hi! *waves furiously* (Yes, it’s one of those nights.) So, last week we were wordsmiths. Tonight, though, we want to share with you a more “action based” set of ideas. Ideas that might chill you or that you might just find very chill ;). That was a bad pun (doesn’t mean I didn’t laugh). We are going to share with your our list of top December/winter-bucket-list-ideas, so they should be very chill.

  1. Decorate a tiny Christmas tree that may or may not be alive.

  2. Bake all the things! 😀 (seasonal and unseasonal 😉 )

  3. Meet up with old friends, and eat lunch, and get all the coffees!!!

  4. Make a million and two words. (Okay, not quite literally, but either or both of us writing large chunks on our current writing projects over our winter break is definitely a goal!)

  5. Ice skating with my younger brother who will probably make us look like baby giraffes because he is naturally that balanced and coordinated sometimes.

  6. See the anthropomorphic movie Sing at some point between now and January 8. Yesssss!!! (sorry to cut into her point but YES (It’s actually ACG’s idea, but I’m on board… We saw Moana this past Thursday, so it’s her turn 😉)

  7. Wear flip flops as many days of December as possible, because why not?

  8. Wear sweaters as many days of southern December as possible, because why don’t we have normal seasons?

  9. Spend as many days as possible with your Best Friend before the c-word rears itself again.

That last goal is my absolute favorite. 😉 But to reach that goal, she has to drive safely as you all should. ❤ (This one was a stretch. My apologies…)

Keep your goals sober and your eyes wild. ❤ 🙂 😛 😉 😀 O.o

Posted in ACG is Weirdo Who Demands Some Things Get Categorized While Claiming to Dislike Labeling, Fiction Land, Life and Likes, Rules by Annazzz, Writing

Creative Process: Deep Meanderings

Tonight we found it fitting to show you a portion of our process. Without further ado: {Hold on to your trackpads.}

Hi, are we talking about toes or nose or pose or pole or coal or stupid book endings where you are entirely too satisfied and not all at the same time or stream of consciousness or rambling or a combination of those…or or or, humidity and walking outside while your hair is drying equating to cosmetic suicide not a bad idea at all….. Haha… Ummmmmmm idk… *We COULD talk being old grannies (grannys?) compared to fifteen year old infants tho! Idk how to say that either…grannies I THINK…we could…idk WHY IS IT SO HARD TO PICK TODAY/NIGHT/WHATEVERTIMETHISIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Idk… but it is insanely hard… we could talk about being indecisive that we could….but where would we go with that???? We’re already writing that post technically tbh if we took the thing about chat out we could probably just roll with this…clean it up a tiny bit and go…title it “deep meandering creative processes” or something weird. I mean, it’s a rather interesting process.

*{Also feel that y’all should know we were at a volunteer ending party thing with the fifteen year olds, we weren’t legit grannies. Nor were the fifteen year olds suddenly actual infants. Yeah, no, we just felt old.}


So, I think, this wraps up the creative rabbit hole that is our process. AKA: AJA’s unattended babbling. 😉 HEY I SHOWED UP EVENTUALLY IT’S NOT MY FAULT YOU DIDN’T TEXT ME YOU SPORK! Yikes, it really wasn’t intentional. Miscommunication and dying phones hit hard. :/ TRUTH. ❤

Ahem, as I was saying,  hopefully next week we’ll pick an actual topic to write on.

Keep your heads in the sand and your clothes in the rain. 🙂 O.o ❤ 😀 😉 😛

And as always, don’t forget to drive safely. ❤