Posted in ACG is Weirdo Who Demands Some Things Get Categorized While Claiming to Dislike Labeling, Double Crowns, Food, grain of salt advice, Life and Likes, Rules by Annazzz

Pizza My Heart

Hi! Hey, y’all! Tonight has been inspired by supper. By pure coincidence, we both had pizza for supper, so we thought we might share with you a little bit about our preferred pizza experience. It’s the universal meal: sleepovers, rewards for clubs and teams, and family meals. Basically everybody loves some kind of pizza, and why not give it the place of honor that it’s due.

Of course, there are some Not So Great pizzas out there, so we thought tonight we’d share with you our qualifiers for a good pizza experience.


  1. The sauce must be good, and there must be enough of it.(Sauce texture has to be appropriate. Nothing too chunky. Truuuuue.)

  2. The crust can’t be too thick or too thin. If the flavor gets absorbed by bread, you’re doing it wrong. If you’re eating off a cracker, you’re making a questionable decision. (Handmade is my personal favorite, and I also like when the bottom is toasted and crunchy while the top under the sauce is still a little squishy.)

  3. Closely related, the crust should be able to support the entire structure of the pizza. I don’t want to bring this to friends and eat it in a living room having to use a plate, really, much less a fork. (I think napkins aren’t cool, but I like pizza that would do just as well served on a napkin as a plate.) Napkin opinions differ, but that aside, same. If you want to eat pizza with a fork, be my guest, but it should not be necessary!

  4. The flavor of the cheese on a pizza has to be rather specific. It cannot be too salty, but it has to be at least a little salty.  And, please, for the love of every pizza, do not burn your cheese!!! It should be melted (YES) and thickly layered (ALSO YES), but do not burn it. The way to know it’s done right? Does it stretch? If yes, you’re good. If no, you’re just wrong. 😉

  5. Do not try too hard (as with all things). Pizza is not supposed to be gourmet or frou frou. If I want something that has potential to be in a five star restaurant, I’m probably not going after pizza. Please make something casual and fun. Pizza, after all, is an American food. We all know that Americans really and truly are not known for having the most divine food choices. Please don’t soil that reputation.


Pizza preferences can vary vastly from person to person, but we both stand by these qualities. Although, I guess we won’t shame you for your pizza choices. I know people that have to have them without cheese or like them without sauce, and I can still be in the same room as them. Before we go, though, we wanted to share our favorite part of pizza: the toppings.


I like chicken (and sometimes mushrooms) on my pizza, if given the option. My favorite pizza flavor is Hawaiian, fruit over vegetables any day. ;P Ham and pineapple are musts, but tonight my Hawaiian also had chicken on it O.O (this sounds so good!), so that was interesting.


Keep your pizza on the counter and your heart in the sauce!!! 🙂 ❤ ;P 😀 😉 :O O.o

Drive safely, not distractedly by pizza, even though it is great. ❤

Posted in Books, Fiction Land, Life and Likes, Reading, Rules by Annazzz, Summer

Post-Graduation Kind Of Early Class Reunion Sleep Over (*Creepy Music*)

Good evening, our dear friends! (That…made me feel like I was welcoming you to a haunted house. Maybe a little bit. Ahem. Anyway.) Hey, y’all! Our weekends have been chock full recently, but this time it really is Saturday. Honestly, it feels so strange, even if it’s only really been one weekend where we had to schedule a post. This weekend it was mostly just our Friday that had adventure all in it.


See, we had a party to go to. It wasn’t a dance party or anything, and it actually felt more like a strange graduate shower…? We got cool but strangely domestic gifts. Towels and hangers, soap and tissues–all very useful items and much more lovely than I’m making them sound by listing them in such a way. There was also pens and binders with paper already in them.


Because of the intriguing nature of this party, we thought we’d share with you all some things we learned from a Post-Graduation Kind Of Early Class Reunion Sleep Over (I don’t know what I’m doing, tbh).

  1. Life happens to everyone, and boys seem to be at the top of the list.
  2. You CAN talk a topic to death, even if it’s a topic that would generally be enjoyed by most of the parties present.
  3. Not everyone watches movies the same way. Some like to sit quietly and actually watch intently.
  4. There are more collectible toys than one would think is possible.
  5. Disney can actually be life.
  6. But people you don’t expect might read lots of the same books as you.
  7. Some playing cards have been made especially for the military.
  8. Gluten-free brownies are actually pretty great.


There may have been a couple more minor things we learned, but I think this pretty well covers everything. Keep your hats on toes and your faces in the Jello. 🙂 ;P 😀 :/ ❤ 😉 😛 O.o 🙂

As always, please remember to drive safely in strange lands on strange 800 lane roads.