Posted in College, Fall, Life and Likes, update

Sigh of Relief

Good evening, my dudes and dudettes! Hey, y’all! It’s been real… It’s been…fun? No, not really fun… It’s been A Time! But!!! Who better to go through a time with than your best friend. ❤ These past two weeks have definitely been a time, but I wouldn’t have wanted to have this time with anyone else. We won’t get into the details but since the end of August, we’ve had a close friend lose a family member, ACG has dogsat, I’ve had a family member have three medical procedures and be in the hospital for two weeks, and we’ve managed to continue passing our classes (more than passing, I’ve been very impressed with how well AJA has kept up with everything through it all)! But gratefully, we’ve gotten to do all of this together, which is better than it could be. However, all this means we’ve been away from our homes/sharing our homes in different ways than usual! 


So, here’s to weeks of living out of backpacks, duffle bags, trucks, and hospitals! And, here’s to our own beds! Amen! 

Keep your bags packed and your minds racing! ❤ ;P 🙂 😀 😉 O.o
Drive safely, so that YOU can stay in your own bed too! 😉 ❤

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